After just beating the game putting in long hours ( yes its worth 17 hours) I just have 2 things to critic.
1. There are way too few quests, main and side quests.
2. The landscape is very blank, not much work went into designing backgrounds and stuff.
There is a lot of grinding but it is still fun. The ending is kinda boring. But the gameplay and the difficulty levels are right on the money, specially if you dont like complicated gameplay that needs a degree from MIT to figure out.
I didnt need any help from walkthrus or posts for this game. It is straightforward and pretty much self explanatory .
Make sure you buy the translation books for chicken and elf language.Fishing is a great way to get health , eat tuna if you cant yet afford the health potions.You can actually wait till a tuna bites, you do not have to take the first fish that appears in the green dot but pass it up and wait till you get a tuna and than react fast to catch it. Money is at first hard to come by but after you reach level 20 it gets easier and easier and soon you have enough so you can buy whatever you want.
Overall I wish there where more games like this out there.I enjoyed it a lot and Im actually sad its over. now I guess I try Ravensword.
Game on!
Highmoon911 about Crusade Of Destiny, v1.6.2